
Monday, 30 June 2014

Rashidi seeking ACTORS & ACTRESSES for New Production

The production of Rouzbeh Rashidi's latest feature film "TEN YEARS IN THE SUN" has begun.
 This is a relatively a new experiment and a very different project than his previous films. The film deals with concepts such as voyeurism and ritualistic perversion in cinema with formalistic austerity favouring the realist contexts. 

The film revolves around the three main characters (Maximilian Le Cain, Dean Kavanagh & Rouzbeh Rashidi) and their odd behaviours. Rashidi is looking for actors and especially actresses to collaborate with, so if you are interested, please send an email.
The film will be shot in Dublin & Cork and completed in 2015.


Sunday, 29 June 2014

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Irish Experimental Cinema In St. Petersburg, Russia

Solus Film Collective in collaboration with Loft Project Etagi present 
the second stage of the American/Russian/Irish touring program of 2014.

Solus & Guests

Exhibition №8

Curators – Masha Godovannaya and Alan Lambert

The show will run from July 4th until October 1st at Loft Project Etagi in St. Petersburg, Russia.

This video-show «Solus & Guests» presents a selection of new and recent film-works by Irish filmmakers and international collaborators with previous contributors to collective programs. It reflects a current circle that has emerged in recent years in Irish experimental filmmaking and art, particularly in the presence of the Experimental Film Society, many of whose members are represented here. The programme includes artists such as Maximilian Le Cain, Vicky Langan, Dean Kavanagh, Anthony Kelly & David Stalling, Michael Higgins, Esperanza Collado, Aoife Desmond, Rouzbeh Rashidi, Moira Tierney and Alan Lambert.

For full titles and programme info please check the Solus website HERE

For venue info and opening times please check the Etagi website HERE

Solus is an independent film collective and platform for filmmakers working in Super-8mm / 16mm and DV. It has the dual aim of showing Irish short and avant-garde films abroad and international short and avant-garde films in Ireland.

Opening Reception Screening:
"Absences and (Im)possibilities: Traces of an experimental cinema in Ireland"

This screening of Abscences and (Im)possibilitites is a condensed version of the full four-part programme.

This programme traces a tradition of experimental film-making in Ireland. It is curated by the Experimental Film Club and commissioned by the Irish Film Institute International. It features the work of artists such as the Lumiere Brothers, Norris Davidson, Vivienne Dick, Paddy Jolley, Barry Ronan, Dónal Ó’Ceilleachair and Jesse Jones.

More info HERE

This Solus event is supported by Culture Ireland, the Irish Film Institute and Dublin City Council.
IFI International is supported by Culture Ireland. 
The Irish Film Institute is supported by the Arts Council.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Rattleboned Dog At Mealtime (a personal report on Gorging Limpet)

"Maximilian Le Cain and Karen Power are not just creators but summoners of the Gorging Limpet and partners in crime culpable for the large scale damage caused by the creature breaking free from its concrete home and into your mind. It is this rather exaggerated image that is so wonderful- the magnification of all things impossible to see with the naked eye. Whether it is the frequencies deployed in the soundscape or the sound of the limpet itself, the attention to detail and the desire to bring these artifacts to the forefront is at the core of the project. A memory is shared and created with these everyday items and spectral impressions and it is one that is simultaneously strong and elusive. There is a feeling roused by the knowledge that something is always there; though it is impossible to hear and we are incapable of seeing, its presence on the planet is as old as we are. However, with study and scientific methods we have made the invisible visible and the inaudible audible, and with Gorging Limpet, as with cinema, we are one step closer to our memories, fantasies and nightmares."

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Thesis on Remodernist Cinema / Mémoire sur le cinéma remoderniste

The thesis on remodernism and remodernist cinema “Le cinéma remoderniste: Histoire et théorie d’une esthétique contemporaine” by Florian Maricourt is now complete. According to the current set of rules from l’Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, you can cite the thesis on the condition of mentioning the source and the author. Final dissertation directed by Nicole Brenez.